Your Guide to Selling Your Vancouver Island Home
by Shanon Kelley Realty Group Group


Selling a home can be a major undertaking, but also an exciting step towards your next chapter. With proper planning and support, you can maximize your home’s value and complete the sale journey with ease.

This comprehensive seller’s guide from Shanon Kelley Realty Group equips you to successfully sell your Vancouver Island property. You’ll gain insider tips to optimize pricing, improve marketability, and navigate negotiations.

We’ll explore how to showcase your home through staging, photography, and marketing. You’ll understand the sales process from offer to closing. Our goal is ensuring you sell quickly and profitably.

With decades of combined real estate experience, we know how to position your home to sell for top dollar. Let us guide you through a streamlined sales process while avoiding headaches and hassles.

Use this seller’s guide as a roadmap to mastering the real estate sale journey. Then partner with us to make your dreams reality. Let’s get started!

Why Sell Your Home in Vancouver Island?

Vancouver Island offers prime opportunities for home sellers now. Several key factors make now an ideal time to sell your island property.

The real estate market on Vancouver Island continues to see increased demand from buyers relocating from major cities. Low inventory levels coupled with this rising demand is continuing to maintain a sellers’ market.

As the economy and population on Vancouver Island grow, so do sale prices. Home values are projected to keep rising in popular destinations like Victoria, Nanaimo, Parksville and Tofino.

Whether upsizing your home, downsizing for retirement or relocating – the conditions are favorable for selling your Vancouver Island property. Let us guide you in maximizing this opportunity.

Preparing Your Vancouver Island Home for Sale

Properly preparing your home for the market is essential to maximize its appeal and value to potential buyers. This involves understanding the local real estate landscape, making strategic improvements, and staging your home effectively.

Research shows homes in turnkey condition sell faster and for more money. A trusted an experienced realtor should be able to understand your home’s current renovations, and anything that can be done to renovate the home according to your situation for the best investments towards selling your home for a higher ticket price.

The following sections explore strategies to optimize your home’s marketability and value before listing. With diligent preparation, you can approach the selling process with confidence.

Understanding the Vancouver Island Real Estate Market

Gaining up-to-date knowledge of market conditions will help you make informed decisions when selling your Vancouver Island home.

It’s important to understand factors like current inventory levels, buyer demand in your area, pricing trends, and average days on market. This helps set accurate listing price and sales expectations.

From these expectations, you can understand what might need to be done in order to compete with your competition of your regional area of the Vancouver Island housing market at your desired asking price.

Home Improvement: Maximizing Your Home’s Value

Strategic home improvements allow you to increase your property’s appeal and sale price.

Cosmetic improvements like updated paint colors, new flooring and upgraded kitchens and baths offer great return on investment. Outdoor living spaces, finished basements and garages also boost value. Finishing it might not always be in your absolute interests, so preparing it so showcase the possibilities of what the next home owner can do for it can spark the imagination of a potential buyer, and get them one step closer to making an offer in the pursuit of your Vancouver Island home.

Your trusted realtor can help you determine which projects offer the biggest boost in perceived home value compared to their cost. With an experienced realtor’s contractor connections, they can find you the best options from contractors who are experienced in renovations according to the current trends of what most home buyers are looking for. Your realtor can also help coordinate renovations efficiently and economically.

Properly executed, home improvements elevate your home’s style and function while providing you a higher value than your investment. Buyers perceive updated properties as lower maintenance and more move-in ready. Let’s discuss enhancements to showcase your home’s full potential.

Interior Staging Tips

Staging the interior rooms of your Vancouver Island home helps buyers visualize the space and its potential. Here are some key staging tips:

  • Declutter to show off rooms at their spacious best.
  • Organize furnishings to create an inviting flow in each room.
  • Incorporate neutral decor with pops of color for broad appeal.
  • Refresh paint colors if needed in neutral, light palettes.
  • Update fixtures and finishes like hardware, light fixtures and sinks.
  • Style rooms with greenery, artwork, decorative items.
  • Hire a professional stager if extra help is needed, or ask your realtor to recommend one.

Proper staging highlights your home’s assets and helps buyers focus on its benefits rather than cosmetic flaws. The right home styling leaves buyers with a memorable impression.

Exterior Staging Tips

Your home’s exterior and landscaping play a key role in that pivotal first impression. Follow these tips to maximize your home’s curb appeal:

  • Provide a clean, inviting entryway – tidy up and add welcome accents.
  • Enhance the landscape with color from plants, flowers and mulch.
  • Keep the lawn freshly mowed and edged.
  • Wash windows and exterior surfaces to look crisp.
  • Clear clutter from the driveway and exterior spaces.
  • Touch up exterior paint if needed.
  • Ensure exterior lighting is stylish and illuminating.
  • Power wash outdoor living areas like patios.

A welcoming exterior entices buyers to take a closer look inside. Curb appeal can set the stage for more offers and higher home value.

Benefits of Professional Home Staging

Hiring a professional stager brings experience, expertise and an objective eye to showcase your home impeccably. Benefits include:

  • Maximizing space with a strategic furniture layout.
  • Using color, lighting and decor to create ambiance.
  • Pinpointing what updates or repairs will increase value.
  • Providing an uncluttered, neutral backdrop to allow imagination.
  • Access to furniture, lighting, accessories and more.
  • Staging expertise tailored to your Vancouver Island market.

Studies show staged homes spend less time on the market and sell for up to 20% more. We can connect you with trusted, talented stagers to showcase your home.

Pricing Your Vancouver Island Home Correctly

Setting the right listing price is one of the most important factors in selling your Vancouver Island home quickly and for top dollar. Price too high and you risk deterring buyers and having your home sit. Price too low and you leave money on the table.

With an experienced realtor’s intimate knowledge of the local market, they help you strike the optimal balance. Ideally, they will combine market analytics with the unique attributes of your home to determine accurate fair market value.

Correct pricing aligns with comparable homes that have recently sold or are currently on the market. This helps generate buyer interest and prime offers right from the start.

The Importance of Pricing Right

Setting the optimal listing price is crucial to selling your Vancouver Island home efficiently and profitably. An accurately priced home will:

  • Sell within your desired timeframe
  • Attract more interested buyers
  • Minimize time on market
  • Drive more showings and open houses
  • Generate multiple offers and bidding wars
  • Achieve the highest possible final sale price

Strategic pricing aligned with market value brings the right buyers to your door.

Understanding Home Valuation

Determining your home’s accurate market value involves factoring in various elements about the property and current market conditions. Key valuation considerations include:

  • Home size, layout and features
  • Age and condition of the home
  • Upgrades and renovations
  • Outdoor space and amenities
  • Location within the neighbourhood and community
  • Comparable recent sales
  • Current inventory and buyer demand
  • Prevailing area home prices per square foot

We combine an objective view of your home with in-depth local market insights to determine fair asking price. Our goal is maximizing your home’s value and marketability based on facts.

Factors Influencing Home Value

Some key factors that impact a home’s market value include:

  • Location – Desirability of neighbourhood, proximity to amenities
  • Size – Square footage, lot size, number of bedrooms/bathrooms
  • Condition – Age, renovations, maintenance
  • Features – Kitchen, flooring, outdoor space, garage, basement finish
  • Market conditions – Inventory and buyer demand

We carefully weigh these factors along with recent comparable sales when determining accurate pricing for your Vancouver Island home.

Factors Influencing Home Value

Some key factors that impact a home’s market value include:

  • Location – Desirability of neighbourhood, proximity to amenities
  • Size – Square footage, lot size, number of bedrooms/bathrooms
  • Condition – Age, renovations, maintenance
  • Features – Kitchen, flooring, outdoor space, garage, basement finish
  • Market conditions – Inventory and buyer demand

We carefully weigh these factors along with recent comparable sales when determining accurate pricing for your Vancouver Island home.

The Role of Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is a crucial valuation tool we use here at Shanon Kelley Realty Group to recommend the optimal listing price.

The CMA compares your home to recently sold comparable properties in your immediate neighbourhood and surrounding area. We analyze similarities and differences in size, condition, upgrades and other factors.

This provides a value range based on what buyers have recently paid for similar homes. The data-backed CMA helps us pinpoint the intersection of top market value and competitively attracting buyers.

Our intimate local knowledge helps us select the most fitting comparable sales to perform an accurate CMA. This sets you up for valuation success from listing to closing.

Marketing Your Vancouver Island Home

A strategic marketing plan is vital to selling your Vancouver Island home efficiently and for top dollar. Effective marketing generates interest among qualified buyers, drives showings and open houses, and increases the potential for multiple offers.

An experienced realtor team has the skills and resources to execute a tailored marketing campaign to reach the right buyers. They utilize a mix of traditional and digital marketing channels for maximum exposure.

Photography and Videography: Showcasing Your Home

In today’s digital world, photos and video tours are the first impression buyers get of your home. High-quality photography and videography is crucial for attracting interest and driving showings.

We work with the best professional real estate photographers and videographers to showcase the finest features and views of your home. Their work captures the essence and potential of your property.

Well-produced photos and video bring out the best in any space – from architectural details to room flow and decor. Strategic digital media enables buyers to easily visualize enjoying your home.

Let us leverage the power of professional photography and videography to entice buyers with stunning visuals of your Vancouver Island property.

Listing Your Home: Online and Offline Strategies

Listing your home across the optimal online and offline platforms helps maximize exposure to qualified buyers. We utilize the following key listing strategies:

– Online Listings and the Power of MLS

Listing on the industry Multiple Listing Service (MLS) gets your home in front of real estate agents and home shoppers browsing online. MLS listings allow your home to be discovered and showcased to the widest possible audience.

– Offline Marketing Channels

In addition to digital exposure, we market your listing via traditional print advertising, yard signs, open house events, networking and outreach within the local real estate community. Covering all angles drives more interest.

Our comprehensive listing promotion provides blanket exposure to capture buyers however they shop.

– Online Listings and the Power of MLS

Listing on the industry Multiple Listing Service (MLS) gets your home in front of real estate agents and home shoppers browsing online. MLS listings allow your home to be discovered and showcased to the widest possible audience.

The MLS database connects to thousands of real estate brokerages and agents. It also feeds major consumer sites like and MLS maximizes visibility and marketing reach.

We optimize MLS listings with professional photos, a compelling description and attention-grabbing headlines. This drives more clicks, views, saves and showings from motivated buyers.

– Offline Marketing Channels

In addition to digital exposure, we market your listing via traditional print advertising, yard signs, open house events, networking and outreach within the local real estate community. Covering all angles drives more interest.

Print ads in local real estate magazines and brochures expand visibility. Yard signs catch the eye of nearby home buyers and sellers. Open houses create buzz and generate walk-in traffic.

Leveraging our connections helps get the word out among relevant agents, brokerages and their client networks. Multi-channel promotion leaves no stone unturned in finding ideal buyers.

Our comprehensive listing promotion provides blanket exposure to capture buyers however they shop.

Open Houses and Private Showings: Pros and Cons

Open houses and private showings both play an important role in marketing your Vancouver Island home. Here are some key pros and cons of each:

Open Houses


  • Showcase your home to a large number of potential buyers
  • Build excitement and word-of-mouth buzz around your listing
  • Gauge buyer reaction and feedback


  • Less control over who attends
  • Potential for lots of looky-loos vs serious buyers
  • More disruptive to have strangers touring your home

Private Showings


  • Pre-screened buyers who are serious contenders
  • One-on-one time to highlight your home’s features
  • Flexible timing that works for both parties


  • More time consuming to schedule each showing
  • Limits the pool of potential buyers

Leveraging Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media platforms and digital marketing strategies extend your reach to tech-savvy home buyers.

We leverage sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote listings. Social media showcases photos/videos and highlights your home’s best features.

Digital ads allow us to hyper-target key buyer demographics interested in your area. Retargeting builds awareness with potential buyers who’ve viewed your listing online.

Our social media and digital marketing maximizes exposure to qualified buyers where they spend time online. This amplifies interest in your property and drives more showings.

When you receive an enticing offer on your Vancouver Island home, seamless execution is key to get to closing. As trusted real estate advisors, we understand what it takes to guide you and help navigate every stage of the process – from professionally evaluating and negotiating offers to proactively guiding both parties through contingencies. We know how to strategically negotiate to maximize price while mitigating risks to get the deal done. Once an offer is accepted, we oversee all the closing logistics on your behalf. This includes handling paperwork, coordinating inspections, facilitating appraisals, monitoring the loan process, and troubleshooting any issues that arise. Our attention to detail and experience enables us to represent your best interests at each step and keep the sale on track to a successful closing.

Understanding Offers and Negotiations

When an offer comes in on your home, there are several key aspects we will review with you:

  • Proposed purchase price
  • Desired closing date
  • Earnest money deposit amount
  • Contingencies – inspection, appraisal, financing, etc.
  • Inclusions – items to convey with the home

We will provide our assessment of how the offer stacks up against your asking price, terms, and timeframe goals. Guiding you through negotiations, we work to maximize offer strength while minimizing risks.

Key negotiation levers can include purchase price, closing costs, contingencies, and timing. Our aim is securing the optimal deal for your needs.

With our expertise, you can feel confident decoding offers and determining counteroffer strategies.

Inspections and Appraisals in the Sales Process

Once an offer is accepted, inspections and appraisals are key next steps on the path to closing.

Home inspections allow buyers to evaluate condition and systems. We can recommend respected local Vancouver Island home inspectors. Our team will attend the inspection to address any findings or requests.

Appraisals involve an independent assessment of the home’s market value. This confirms the sales price for financing. We provide comps and info to help secure an appraisal matching the purchase price.

By proactively guiding inspectors and appraisers, we smooth the process for all parties. Our goal is keeping things moving forward so you can close on time.

With our support, inspections and appraisals will be painless steps towards a successful sale.

The Closing Process: What to Expect

As closing day approaches, there are several key things you can anticipate:

  • Final walkthrough – We schedule a final walkthrough of the home just before closing to ensure all is in order and any repairs have been completed.
  • Closing Disclosure – This outlines all the final terms, costs, credits, and figures associated with the transaction.
  • Transfer of funds and ownership – On closing day, the buyer’s funds are transferred and the property title is officially transferred to the buyer.
  • Hand off of keys, garage remotes, etc. – We coordinate transferring home access items and alarm codes to the buyer.

Our team will be with you throughout the closing process to keep everything on track and ensure a smooth transition. We’ll confirm all details are in order for you to close on time and as planned.

How Shanon Kelley Realty Group Facilitates a Smooth Closing

From accepted offer to closing day, we take care of all the details so you can rest assured your sale stays on track:

  • Coordinate inspections and appraisal
  • Monitor buyer financing and underwriting
  • Stay on top of needed repairs or credits
  • Ensure all documentation is complete
  • Track down any missing payments or signatures
  • Keep all parties aligned on timeline and expectations

With decades of experience, we anticipate hiccups and tackle issues to keep the closing moving forward.

Our attention to each step of the process enables us to proactively resolve any bumps in the road. Let us handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on your next chapter.


Selling a home is one of life’s biggest financial decisions – and potentially one of the most complex processes you will undertake. With so many moving parts, having an experienced local real estate advisor on your side is key.

As you have seen throughout this guide, Shanon Kelley Realty Group has the expertise and resources to guide you seamlessly through every stage of selling your Vancouver Island home. From preparing your property to pricing it right to marketing it effectively and negotiating the optimal deal, we handle all the details so you can focus on your next chapter.

Our decades of combined experience selling homes on Vancouver Island enable us to anticipate challenges, minimize hassles, and ensure you maximize your sale. With a proven record of success, we know how to strategically position your home to attract the right buyers.

We are proud to provide every client with a stress-free experience and the most successful outcome possible. Let us put our in-depth knowledge of the local market and networks to work for you. Contact us today to get started and sell your Vancouver Island home efficiently and profitably.

Our team

Meet the team that will make your real estate goals a reality

Meet The Shanon Kelley Realty Group

Shanon Kelley Realty Group, the recipient of the esteemed Royal LePage Road Diamond Award 2022, has established a commendable reputation as one of the foremost real estate agents in BC for an impressive span of 16 consecutive years. Embark on an extraordinary journey of finding your dream home on Vancouver Island, guided by the expertise and exceptional service of Shanon Kelley. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Shanon Kelley Realty Group ensures an unparalleled experience in discovering the most desirable places to live in this breathtaking locale.

16+ Years of Industry Experience

With nearly two decades of unparalleled real estate experience both on the mainland and Vancouver Island, Shanon Kelley Realty Group stands out from the rest. Our extensive knowledge and expertise in this dynamic market enable us to provide exceptional service and valuable insights to our clients. Whether you are buying, selling, or investing in properties, trust that our team’s dedication, honesty, and unwavering commitment will ensure your real estate journey is seamless and successful. Experience the difference with Shanon Kelley Realty Group today.

No pressure and No Obligations

At Shanon Kelley Realty Group, we prioritize your comfort and autonomy throughout the decision-making process. We understand the significance of your home, and with us, you will never face any pressure to make choices that don’t align with your preferences. Your home, your sanctuary, your ultimate choice. Trust us to guide you through the journey of finding your perfect abode, empowering you every step of the way while respecting your individuality.

Down to Earth, Professional Advice

Shanon Kelley Realty Group prides itself on its unwavering commitment to expertise and personal integrity. With our dedication to excellence, we make it our mission to transform the aspirations of our valued clients into vibrant reality each and every day. Our team of talented professionals goes above and beyond, harnessing their skills and knowledge to deliver remarkable results that exceed expectations. Trust Shanon Kelley Realty Group to guide you through your real estate journey with unparalleled expertise and unwavering personal integrity.

See what our clients are saying


If I could give Shanon more than 5 stars, I would.

She is an incredible realtor who was patient, determined and had my best interest at heart when I was looking for my first home. She helped me find an amazing home that I absolutely adore. I will be contacting her when I want to purchase my next home.

Jennifer Steer
Vancouver Island, BC

Shanon Kelley comes very highly recommended from me!

I was lost and she guided me through everything to get me everything I wanted in a place. Amazing heart and goes above and beyond. Thanks again for all your help Shanon!

James Nicoll
Vancouver Island, BC

Shanon is a professional on every level.

Shanon has the highest concern and strong understanding about the real estate market and negotiation process. Her personality exhibits high moral character, inspiring integrity and knowledge that has made dealing with her a stress free and smooth process.

Stathis Savvis (William Wright Commercial)
Vancouver Island, BC

The most professional, dedicated and passionate realtor I have ever met.

Shanon has been helping me secure a land parcel on Vancouver Island and has spared no energy or effort to provide me the best possible service: all this without having had the chance of meeting me due to Covid and from across the globe as I’m based in Europe. She is truly one of a kind.

Claudio de Sanctis
Vancouver Island, BC

We were so lucky we got Shanon Kelley as our realtor.

As first time home buyers we needed some explaining and reminding and Shanon never made us feel dumb or ignorant. Instead she remained professional and supportive. We ended up purchasing a townhouse we had never seen, in a town we had never been to, and were moving from Vancouver Island to the island with little ones. 

Vancouver Island, BC

Being an agent myself, I know how important it is to have the RIGHT person for the job.

I first met Shanon Kelley many years ago when I was a newly licensed realtor and after hearing her speak, I was inspired to model my business practices after her. Shanon ALWAYS puts the needs of her clients first and is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for them.

Michelle Vaughan
Vancouver Island, BC

Customer Centric Service For Vancouver Island Real Estate

Buyers & Sellers

Since 2007, Shanon Kelley Realty Group has reliably provided customer centric service,
and we deliver curated goal orientated results.

Our Vancouver Island Address

4200 Island Highway North
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 1W6

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